The future is Power(ful)

I am finally geting around to reading up on SQL Server vNext 2017 which will hopefully be released sometime this year.

Of course we have all been spinning up RedHat boxes so we can play with SQL on Linux (btw, this does not excite me), but something else caught my eye that made me step back, scratch my head and say “uh, excuse me”

I found this statement to be very troublesome.

  • SQL Server Reporting Services is no longer available to install through SQL Server’s setup as of CTP 2.1.


SSRS is no longer available?  Say WHAT?

Reading on I discover that it is now “Power BI Report Server”, in the cloud or a downloadable on premise with desktop version. (

Truth be told, I have not experimented with anything “Power” since MS PowerPivot and Excel.  (Hey I’ve been busy with Admin stuff.  Yes, I know I need to get into the current decade.)  This looks to be a promising direction MSFT is taking SQL Reporting.  What I have seen of Power BI through blogs, SQL Saturday’s and other presentations, I have been somewhat impressed with its capabilities.

I am just concered about converting all those 2008 – 2016 SSRS reports to PowerBI!  Well, at least it is job security!

Until next time…