Reading more…

This is not a pity post!!!

Being dyslexic, reading is hard and frustrating especially for someone whow actually enjoys absorbing knowledge and learning.

I have actually read very little in my life time but now I hope to change that. I am starting to read again, and to help me keep focused I hope to write about the things I read. These will be work related, but mostly pleasure reading. Warning: I love Star Wars.

I won’t abondan technology based posts, in fact my next read is DBATools in a month of lunches. I am still very interested in learning about my craft.

First up, MASH by Richard Hooker. As a fan of the movie and TV series, I knew I had to read this. I am not sure what I was expecting but it was a little bit of a let down. The movie (for once) was actually a little better than the book. The story lines were more fleshed out in the movie. And the movie had a few additional story lines that were not in the book. But all in all, a good read.

Sometimes you just have to step away

A very hard lesson that I am seriously still having problems with, is learning to spend some time away from work.  I would not necessarily categorize myself as a “workaholic”, I do leave work at work unless called upon; but I don’t spend enough time way from the office as I probably should. I’m talking Vacations!

So, after work today my wife, my kids and I are all heading to Florida for the Mardi Gras weekend.  Yes, in Louisiana we (most people) get Monday and Tuesday off for Mardi Gras. Whereas a lot of people are coming into Louisiana, specifically New Orleans for Mardi Gras; true Louisiana natives try and get the hell away from it all!

I am looking forward to a little break away from work and some valuable time with my kiddos before they get too old to want to do anything with their parents!


Get ready Disney World, the BISHOPS are coming!